Quickly Soar to More Sales on Teachers Pay Teachers

Hey there, fellow teachers, artists, and creators! Let's dive into a topic that's been hanging around like a sneaky white elephant in the room – something we all know but haven't really talked about much. So, here's the deal: sales have taken a nosedive lately. Just to give you a comparison, last August, I raked in more than $800 from my creations, and September? Well, that month was even better, bringing in nearly $1200. But here's the kicker: fast forward to this year. My store has grown, now boasting a hundred more products, and we're halfway through August. Guess how much I've made? Just about $200. Yeah, I know – quite the difference, right?

So, let's crunch some numbers. If I'm aiming to beat my earnings from last year, I've got my work cut out for me. I need to make an extra $300 every week for the next few weeks. Now, usually, August sees a sales bump, but honestly, I'm feeling pretty gloomy about it right now. I've got a solid lineup in my store, a YouTube channel, some seriously awesome video previews, and I even spruced up my website. I get it, these marketing tactics take some time to kick in. But hey, call me impatient – considering all the effort I've put in, I'm thinking I should be raking in double the cash from last year.

Thing is, I can't quite put my finger on why the sales are slumping, but here's the scoop: teachers seem to be holding onto their wallets a bit tighter. It might be the economy, or maybe schools and districts are trying to cut costs. Who really knows the why, right? But one thing's for sure: teachers aren't swiping through products like they used to. Still, they need supplies, and they've got standards to meet.

Now, here's my game plan – and trust me, it's a winner. For my next five products, I'm going to switch things up a bit. First stop, TPT , and hit the 'create new product' button. We all know that form, right? Then, it's onto step two. Scroll down until you spot 'EDUCATION STANDARDS'. You'll see a bunch of options: common core standards, next generation science standards, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, and Virginia Standards of Learning. Pick the one that fits your world best – the one you're most in tune with.

Now, the fun part – scroll through those standards and hunt for a nugget of inspiration. Find a standard that you can spin into a new product. Let me tell you, that's exactly how I cooked up my Coevolution and Earth Systems product. You know what's cool? Unlike some other stuff I've put out, this one's actually selling like hotcakes.

Here's the scoop I've gathered: teachers might be watching their budgets, but they're still hungry for quality products that hit those standards. So, if you're aiming to whip up winners that'll actually sell, head on over to the standards section on TPT. Take a gander at what's there. Pick something that jives with your thing, something that could spark a fresh line of products. Give it a whirl, and I'm willing to bet your sales will start making a beeline for the stars.

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