How to Discuss Native American Impact: Culture in Modern Times

The influence of Native American culture on modern society is profound and far-reaching. From art and music to language and environmental awareness, Native American contributions are woven into the fabric of contemporary life. So how do we discuss the impact Native American’s have in modern times? That is a great question because we don’t want to create the picture that native people are relics of the past. They are here, with us, and contribute to modernity in meaningful ways.

Native American art, music, and languages have left an indelible mark on modern culture. Middle school students can explore the intricate beadwork, pottery, and weaving that reflect centuries-old traditions. Introduce them to contemporary Indigenous artists who blend tradition with innovation, showcasing the vibrant evolution of Native artistic expression. From September 22, 2023, to January 15, 2024, the East Building's Upper Level West Bridge hosts an exhibition curated by artist Jaune Quick-to-See Smith. This showcase features the works of nearly 50 contemporary Native artists across the United States, offering powerful expressions that embrace the diversity of Native American identities, regions, and cultures. Their creations are deeply rooted in thousands of years of respect for the land, encompassing a range of mediums such as weaving, sculpture, painting, performance, and more. Titled "The Land Carries Our Ancestors," this exhibition visually articulates Indigenous perspectives on the land, emphasizing self-determination, survival, and the right to self-representation for Indigenous communities.

Environmental Stewardship: Learning from Indigenous Wisdom

Many Native American cultures have deep connections to the land and a profound respect for the environment. Incorporate discussions about Indigenous ecological practices, sustainable resource management, and the preservation of natural landscapes. By highlighting Native American perspectives on environmental stewardship, educators can instill a sense of responsibility and reverence for the planet in their students.

Cultural Appropriation vs. Appreciation: Navigating Sensitive Conversations

Address the complexities of cultural appropriation and appreciation with sensitivity. Help students understand the difference between respectful engagement with Native American traditions and disrespectful commodification. It is at this age that students should learn why we do not wear native American costumes on Halloween. Encourage critical thinking about instances where cultural elements are borrowed without proper understanding or acknowledgment. This discussion can lead to important conversations about the power dynamics at play and the importance of honoring cultural origins.

Contemporary Indigenous Voices: Literature and Media

Introduce students to contemporary Indigenous literature and media that showcase diverse perspectives and experiences. Explore novels, poems, films, and documentaries that capture the nuances of modern Indigenous life. From poignant memoirs and evocative poetry collections to gripping thrillers and expansive coming-of-age novels, our compilation features thirteen new books (including nine debuts!) by Indigenous writers across North America. These creations resonate deeply and deserve your attention. By engaging with these narratives, students can gain insight into the challenges, triumphs, and ongoing resilience of Native communities.

Education for Empathy: Addressing Ongoing Challenges

While discussing Native American impact on modern culture, it's crucial to address ongoing challenges faced by Indigenous communities. Topics such as land rights, access to quality education, healthcare disparities, and cultural preservation deserve attention. Native American’s have the highest suicide rate in the United States of America, having lost my dearest best friend and sister to suicide, this touches my heart in a deeply personal way. I still have not completely resolved the death of my dearest Sabrina. I hope teachers will encourage students to think critically about the social injustices that persist and brainstorm ways they can support efforts to address these issues. Maybe share Sabrina’s story, that suicide is never the way.

Cultural Revival and Celebration: Indigenous Festivals and Events

Explore the vibrant cultural festivals and events that celebrate Native American heritage and contributions. From powwows to storytelling gatherings, these occasions provide opportunities for Native communities to share their traditions and artistry with the world. Educators can inspire students to attend or participate in these events to gain firsthand experiences and insights. One particular celebration to bring into your classroom is the Salmon Homecoming Celebration in Seattle Washington, which I included in my Life Cycle of The Salmon Product.

Local Indigenous Communities: Bridging Gaps Through Understanding

Depending on the region, there may be opportunities to connect with local Indigenous communities. Inviting guest speakers, artists, or cultural experts to share their knowledge can enhance students' understanding of Native American impact on their own community. Fostering these connections can promote empathy and collaboration between different cultural groups.

Respecting Tribal Diversity: From Alaska to Florida

Highlight the incredible diversity of Native American tribes across the United States. Each tribe has distinct languages, traditions, and histories. When teaching, or creating resources for Indigenous People’s Day, make sure your clip art is accurate to the tribe being discussed. Encourage students to explore the unique contributions of tribes from various regions, such as the Inuit of Alaska or the Seminole of Florida. This exploration can lead to discussions about cultural exchange and the importance of preserving tribal identities.

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